
The following are publication from the NSF-funded research over the last several years (multiple grant awards)

2020-2023: National Science Foundation, PI, SES #2018001

  • Dickinson, David L. and Naomi Kakoschke (2021) “Seeking confirmation?  Biased information search and deliberation in the food domain.” Food Quality and Preference, 91(July): 104189. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodqual.2021.104189
  • Castillo, Marco. and David L. Dickinson (2022) “Sleep restriction increases coordination failure” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 200(August): 358-370. DOI: 10.1016/j.jebo.2022.06.001
  • McEvoy, David M, David M. Bruner, David L. Dickinson, and Sean P.A. Drummond (2021) “Sleep restriction and strategy choice in cooperation and coordination games.” Economics Letters, 208(Nov): 110049. DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet.2021.110049
  • Clark, Jeremy., and David L Dickinson (2020) “The effect of sleep on public good contributions and punishment:  Experimental evidence.”  PLoS ONE, 15(10): e0240324. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.024032

 2017-2020: National Science Foundation, PI, SES #1734137

  • Clark, Jeremy., and David L Dickinson (2020)  “The Effect of Sleep on Public Good Contributions and Punishment:  Experimental Evidence.”  Working paper.
  • Castillo, Marco., and David L Dickinson (2020) “Sleep. restriction increases coordination failure.” IZA Discussion Paper No. 13242

 2012-2016: National Science Foundation, PI, BCS-1229067

2008-2011: National Science Foundation, PI, SES #0727794


  • Lim, Jeryl., Johanna Boardman, Jeffrey Dyche, Clare Anderson, David L. Dickinson, and Sean P.A. Drummond (2022) “Sex Moderates the Effects of Total Sleep Deprivation and Sleep Restriction on Risk Preference” SLEEP, 45(9): zsac120. DOI: 10.1093/sleep/zsac120
  • Dickinson, David L., Jama Brookes, Cori Ferguson, and Sean P.A. Drummond (2021) “The impact of self-selected short sleep on monetary risk taking” Journal of Sleep Research, 00, e13529. DOI: 10.1111/jsr.13529
  • Poudel, Govinda, Anjan Bhattarai, David L. Dickinson, and Sean P.A. Drummond (2017) “Neural correlates of decision making during a Bayesian choice task.” NeuroReport, 28(4): 193-199.
  • Dickinson, David L., Sean P. A. Drummond, and Jeffrey Dyche (2016) “Voluntary sleep choice and its effects on Bayesian decisions.” Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 14(5): 501-513.  DOI: 10.1080/15402002.2015.1028064

Other findings from this general program of research on sleep and decision making (includes circadian effects on decision making): 

  • Garrett C. Hisler, David L Dickinson, Scott A. Bruce, and Brant P. Hasler “Preliminary evidence that misalignment between sleep and circadian timing alters risk-taking preferences.”  Forthcoming, Journal of Sleep Research
  • Dickinson, David L. (2021) “Sleep and Decision Making” in Chaudhuri, Ananish (Ed.) A Research Agenda for Experimental Economics, pp. 215-238.  Elgar Research Agenda Series, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. ISBN: 978 1 78990 984 5
  • Dickinson, David L, Ananish Chaudhuri, and Ryan Greenaway-McGrevy (2020) “Trading while sleepy?  Circadian mismatch and mispricing in a global experimental asset market.” Experimental Economics, 23(2): 526-553.
  • John B. Holbein, Jerome P. Schafer, and David L. Dickinson (2019) “Insufficient sleep reduces voting and other prosocial behaviors.” Nature Human Behaviour, 3: 492-500.
  • Castillo, Marco, David L. Dickinson, and Ragan Petrie (2017) “Sleepiness, choice consistency, and risk preferences.” Theory and Decision, 82(1): 41-73. DOI:10.1007/s11238-016-9559-7
  • Dickinson, David L., and John Whitehead (2015) “Dubious and Dubiouser: Contingent Valuation and the Time of Day” Economic Inquiry, 53(2): 1396-1400. DOI 10.1111/ecin.12161
  • Dickinson, David L., and Todd McElroy (2012) “Circadian effects on strategic reasoning.”  Experimental Economics, 15(3): 444-459.  DOI 10.1007/s10683-011-9307-3
  • McElroy, Todd. and David L. Dickinson (2010) “Thoughtful days and valenced nights:  How much will you think about the problem?” Judgment and Decision Making, 5(7): 516-523.
  • Dickinson, David L. and Todd McElroy (2010)  “Rationality Around the Clock:  Sleep and Time-of-Day Effects on Guessing Game Responses.”  Economics Letters, 108(2): 245-248. DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet.2010.04.029
  • Anderson, Clare. and David L. Dickinson (2010)  “Bargaining and Trust:  The Effects of 36hr Sleep Deprivation on Socially Interactive Decisions.” Journal of Sleep Research, 19: 54-63. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2869.2009.00767.x
  • Dickinson, David L., and Sean P.A. Drummond  (2008) “The Effects of Total Sleep Deprivation on Bayesian Updating.”  Judgment and Decision Making, 3(2): 181-90.
  • McKenna, Benjamin., David L. Dickinson, Henry Orff, and Sean P.A. Drummond  (2007)  “The Effects of One-Night of Sleep Deprivation on Known-Risk and Ambiguous-Risk Decisions.”  Journal of Sleep Research, 16(3): 245-52.